> トップ > 新着情報・お知らせ > PaLM委員会 活動開始


IHE Internationalにおいては、2016年にLAB(Laboratory)とAP(Anatomic Pathology)の2つのドメインを統合したPaLM(Pathology and Laboratory Meidicine)ドメインが発足し、新たに活動を開始しています。



 Co-chairs:石井 尚美、近藤 恵美
The Laboratory committee and the Anatomic Pathology committee are merged to the PaLM committee.
In IHE International, the PaLM (Pathology and Laboratory Meidicine) domain which was merged the two domains of LAB(Laboratory) and AP(Anatomic Pathology) was launched in 2016.

In Japan, the Laboratory Committee (LAB) and the Anatomic Pathology Committee (AP) were established in 2003 and 2006 and have been active as separate committees.

However, in recent years, the two committees have been cooperating to promote and dissemination.

Based on such circumstances, we are pleased to notice that the board of directors of the IHE-J has approved the establishment of the PaLM Committee, which integrates the both committees, and has started its activities.

 Co-chairs: Naomi Ishii, Megumi Kondo